Our History
The Church of The Living God (COTLG) was established under the leadership of Elder Kevin D. Woodgett when the first official Bible Study was held on August 18, 1999. With a membership of 12 people, on Sunday, October 5, 1999 at 9am, the first worship service was held in the YWCA Community Room. Under the direction of God and the leadership of Pastor Kevin, the church continues to grow both spiritually and naturally.
Our Mission
The purpose of The COTLG is to conduct religious worship, instruction and other institutional activities connected therewith of a religious, educational, charitable, and benevolent character; to provide the freedom of worship regardless of race, color, creed, sex, and/or religious background. The COTLG obtains its guidance from the beliefs, rules and orders of the Bible.
Our Principles
The COTLG believes in the following principles:
The Church (the "Called out Believers") shall be:
A people of Prayer - 2 Chronicles 7:14
A people of Praise - Psalms 34:1
A people of Worship - John 4:23
A people of Love - 1 Corinthians 13
The Church (the Physical Building) shall be:
A place where the presence of The Living God will dwell in the midst of His people, as the people glorify Him, and Him (God) only.
A Refuge to the Sinner, the Lost, the Sick, the Broken Hearted, the Outcast of Society, as well as the "Church" community.
A pillar in the community through service, by opening its doors in the times of distress and need.